B&B Merulana Suite 2

The heart of Rome

The most beautiful part of my job is when I come back on my bike and, looking at the Colosseum, I know that I have contributed to making known the wonders of Rome.

We have been doing this activity for eight years, we like to think of ourselves as little concierge who try somehow to be together with our guests in the Roman experience by giving the best authentic indications.

Our structures are continually updated with all the comforts to welcome you after the Roman walks.

The Merulana Suite2 is at 700m from the Colosseum and 300 meters from the two metro lines. It is easily accessible on foot from Termini station.

At about 50 meters from the b & b there is Via in Selci, the first road in Rome to have the asphalt, more precisely the famous San Pietrini(cobblestones) that help to frame the Roman beauties.

The road joins the square next to the b & b where there are the two Capocci and Graziani towers, 40 meters high, which are a rare example of medieval fortifications of 1200 AD.


A few meters from the B & B begins the verdant park of the Opium hill that hides under its gardens the Domus Aurea (the golden house) built by Nero in 64 D.c after the famous fire in Rome.

Behind the B & B stands the third Catholic church classified for its importance, out of the approximately 1000 churches that characterize Rome.

It is Santa Maria Maggiore with its tallest bell tower in Rome and its surviving early Christian structure.

The legend says that its project to have been designed on the ground, in the snow, by Pope Liberius following an unusual snowfall which took place on August 5 in 350.d.c.

We will be happy to give you these and other countless directions in person.

Rome is a journey through time, we will try to add magic to your look.
